Eventos   EVENTOS


10/07/2022 - Marinha do Brasil ativa seu primeiro Esquadrão de Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas
Por Guilherme Wiltgen | Defesa Aérea & Naval | Publicado em 10/07/2022 - 12:07
A Aviação Naval iniciou a 5ª fase da sua história de 106 anos, a completar no próximo dia 23 de agosto, ao ativar o 1º Esquadrão de Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas (QE-1), no dia 05 de julho de 2022, sendo nomeado como primeiro Comandante o Capitão de Fragata Fabio Bernardo Nunes.

08/07/2022 - Rússia está construindo estrutura anti-satélite, segundo imagens de satélite
Imagens de satélite do Google Earth mostraram que a Rússia está construindo uma estrutura anti-satélite que consiste de um sistema de lasers que podem cegar objetos considerados inimigos na órbita da Terra.
Por Rafael Arbulu | Olhar Digital | Publicado em 08/07/2022 11h45

28/06/2022 - CCT vota projeto que institui Política Nacional de Inteligência Artificial
Por Redação, Agência Senado | 28/06/2022
A Comissão de Ciência e Tecnologia (CCT) se reúne na quarta-feira (29/06/2022), às 11h, para votar PL 5.691/2019, do senador Styvenson Valentim (Podemos-RN), que cria a Política Nacional de Inteligência Artificial.

Projeto de Lei n° 5691, de 2019

27/06/2022 - Quantum Sensors—Unlike Quantum Computers—Are Already Here
By Chris Jay | On June 27
Quantum sensors use the smallest amounts of energy and matter to detect and measure tiny changes in time, gravity, temperature, pressure, rotation, acceleration, frequency, and magnetic and electric fields. They’ve been commercially available in various forms for more than a half-century; think of a magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, machine, which tracks flips in the magnetic spin of individual hydrogen atoms to peer into a body. But recent progress in the field suggests that such sensors will soon bring a revolution in measurement and signals intelligence—possibly by making it far easier to detect submarines, spacecraft, and underground facilities..

22/06/2022 - DoD Satcom: Big money for military satellites, slow shift to commercial services
The Pentagon plans to spend nearly $13 billion over the next five years to develop and acquire military communications satellites.
By Sandra Erwin | SpaceNews | 22/06/2022

02/06/2022 - Política Nacional de Defesa é aprovada no Senado e segue para Câmara
Por Redação, Agência Senado | 02/06/2022
O Plenário do Senado aprovou nesta quinta-feira (2/6/2022) a atualização dos texto da Política Nacional de Defesa (PND), da Estratégia Nacional de Defesa (END) e do Livro Branco da Defesa Nacional (LBDN), que havia sido encaminhada ao Congresso Nacional pelo Poder Executivo. O conteúdo está no Projeto de Decreto Legislativo (PDL) 1.127/2021, que agora seguirá para a análise da Câmara dos Deputados.

Projeto de Decreto Legislativo n° 1127, de 2021

28/03/2022 - Marinha do Brasil recebe o ScanEagle
Por Guilherme Wiltgen | Defesa Aérea & Naval | Publicado em 28/03/2022 - 20:31
O Setor do Material entregou, nos dias 23 e 25 de março, o material que compõe o Sistema de Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas Embarcado (SARP-E) ScanEagle ao Setor Operativo.

11/03/2022 - Coreia do Norte planeja lançamento de enorme míssil em abril
Por Staff, UOL Notícias - Internacional | 11/03/2022 14h20 Atualizada em 11/03/2022 15h23
Projétil autopropulsado e guiado eletronicamente, o Hwasong-17, recebeu o apelido de "míssil monstro" pelos analistas militares e foi exibido em um desfile em Pyongyang em outubro de 2020, mas ainda não foi efetivamente testado.

11/03/2022 - DJI denies deliberate action to downgrade AeroScope drone detection in Ukraine
By Ishveena Singh, DroneDJ| On March 11, 2022 6:43 am PT
As Russia widens its military offensive in Ukraine, DJI, the world’s largest manufacturer of civilian drones, is finding itself embroiled in the middle of the dispute. DJI is being accused of giving Russia preferential access to its AeroScope drone detection platform, while some units of the same system provided to Ukraine are reportedly malfunctioning. The Chinese drone maker is vehemently denying both allegations..

10/03/2022 - Ukrainians develop drone that drops Molotov cocktails
By Ben Kesslen, New york post| On March 10, 2022
The Ukrainian army has developed a drone to drop Molotov cocktails in the war against Russia.

09/03/2022 - Finland reports GPS disturbances in aircraft flying over Russia’s Kaliningrad
By Staff, The Guardian| On March 9, 2022
The interference began soon after a meeting between presidents Sauli Niinistö and Joe Biden.

08/03/2022 - DOD in Search of Disruptive Technologies That Will Enable the Warfighter
BY David Vergun, DoD NEWS| On March 8, 2022
Ms. Heidi Shyu, the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), spoke virtually at a McAleese defense conference: "We must leverage the incredible amount of technology innovation across our nation to give our leap-ahead capabilities to solve tough operational challenges," she said.

28/02/2022 - Avanço da invasão da Ucrânia é registrado do espaço
Por Marcella Duarte | Tilt UOL| Em 28/02/2022
As imagens foram divulgadas pela empresa Maxar Technologies, que desde o final de 2021 tem acompanhado os movimentos militares da Rússia, conforme se aproximavam da Ucrânia

24/02/2022 - From software to AR goggles: 4 takeaways from Army’s new acquisition chief
By ANDREW EVERSDEN| Breaking Defense ! On 24/02/2022
""I see promising signs of success, but there is a lot more work to do," Bush told reporters. "My focus is on cooperation, coordination and unity of effort across the whole Army".

24/02/2022 - Como uma guerra cibernética russa na Ucrânia pode se espalhar globalmente
By MIT Technology Review| On 24/02/2022
Ao contrário das guerras do passado, uma guerra cibernética não é limitada por fronteiras e pode sair do controle com mais facilidade.

22/02/2022 - Startup desenvolve avião hipersônico que chega em qualquer lugar do mundo em 2 horas
Por Filipe Prado | Isto é Dinheiro - 11/02/22 - 15h48
A startup suíça Destinus desenvolveu um avião hipersônico (acima da velocidade Mach 5) movido a hidrogênio, sem nenhuma emissão de carbono, capaz de atingir velocidades acima do som: 18.522 km/h (Mach 15). O modelo utiliza características de avião, foguete e planador e tem potencial para realizar entregas em qualquer lugar do planeta entre 6 e 12 horas.

22/02/2022 - Thwarting ‘Russian, Chinese Threats’, US-Led Five Eyes Network Allies Release Plan For 2031 Combined Space Ops Vision
By Nitin J Ticku | On February 22, 2022
The United States, its four allies in the “Five Eyes” electronic surveillance and intelligence sharing program, along with Germany and France, have released joint space operations plan to counter other major nations over the next decade, the US Defense Department announced on Tuesday. The Defense Department described the CSpO as an initiative to address the overarching need to encourage responsible use of space, recognizing challenges to space sustainability, threats presented by technological advances and what it called the increasingly comprehensive and aggressive counter-space programs of other nation-states.

  21/02/2022 - Navy planning to launch Mideast drone fleet with allies
By JORDAN WILLIAMS, The Hill | On 21/02/2022
The U.S. Navy is planning to launch by the summer of 2023 a fleet of unmanned drones in the Middle East together with allied nations. The 100 unmanned drones fleet would be operational by the summer of 2023 and it would increase surveillance capabilities of the Navy so it can better monitor areas important to the flow of oil and shipping.

09/02/2022 - Army wants to eliminate hands in pockets by warming fingers, toes
By Sarah Sicard, ArmyTimes Observation Post | On 09/02/2022
The US Army hates it when soldiers have their hands their pockets. Sometimes, however, your fingers simply get cold. Now, the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine is setting its sights on soldiers’ little piggies. The forearm heating device, called the Personal Heating Dexterity Device, is battery-powered and essentially works by heating up the arm, which warms the blood that flows into the fingers. This device will serve as the basis for research into how that same technology can prevent frostbite in toes.

16/01/2022 - BEL says its new drone can prevent Pathankot-style attack
By Akhil Kadidal, DHNS, Bengaluru | On 16/01/2022
A new drone being developed by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) could help prevent a Pathankot-style attack.

2016 - How The 2016 Pathankot Attack Unfolded Through The Eyes Of A Reporter
By Crux BTS: Behind The Story
Em 2016, terroristas se infiltraram na Base Aérea de Pathankot em Punjab, Índia, com a intenção de destruir uma aeronave MiG. As operações de contenção que se seguiram duraram quatro dias e levantaram várias questões sobre as medidas de segurança. Shreya Dhoundial, da CNN-News18, revisita os incidentes de 2 de janeiro de 2016 e mostra como foi relatar um dos ataques mais sem precedentes da história recente.

12/01/2022 - North Korea claims new hypersonic missile launch under watch of Kim Jong-un
By Staff | Saudi Gazette | On January 12, 2022
The Academy of Defence Science of the DPRK test-fired a hypersonic missile in Pyongyang.

09/01/2022 - Russia Looks to Su-57 Fighter as Its Next Hypersonic Killer
By Peter Suciu | At The National Interest | On January 9, 2022
Russia's Su-57 is already supersonic. Hypersonic missiles could add an extra level of speed and lethality.

20/12/2021 - DARPA Selects Two Teams To Build, Test Innovative Manta Ray UUV
By Naval News staff | On 20/12/2021
The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded Phase 2 contracts for the Manta Ray unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) program to Northrop Grumman and Martin Defense Group.

17/12/2021 - Marinha ativa o Comando de Operações Marítimas e Proteção da Amazônia Azul
Por Redação Forças de Defesa em Poder Naval | Publicado em 17/12/2021
No dia 9 de dezembro, foi realizada a cerimônia de ativação do Comando de Operações Marítimas e Proteção da Amazônia Azul (COMPAAz).

Assumiu, como Comandante do COMPAAz, o Contra-Almirante Gustavo Calero Garriga Pires.
Fonte: Centro de Comunicação Social da Marinha

16/12/2021 - 14-X: FAB realiza primeiro teste de voo do motor aeronáutico hipersônico 14-X
Por Redação Defesanet | Publicado em 16/12/2021 21h50
O ensaio faz parte do desenvolvimento do Projeto PropHiper, Projeto Propulsão Hipersônica 14-X, um dos Projetos Estratégicos da Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) e coordenado pelo Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial (DCTA).

15/12/2021 - Marinha recebe o segundo Skyhawk biplace modernizado
Por Guilherme Wiltgen em Defesa Aérea & Naval | Publicado em 15/12/2021 09h50
No dia 9 de dezembro, a Marinha do Brasil recebeu, nas dependências da empresa Embraer, em Gavião Peixoto (SP), a aeronave AF-1C N-1021 pelo Grupo de Fiscalização e Recebimento das Aeronaves AF-1/1A.

15/12/2021 - Pentágono autoriza modificação de 4 drones Global Hawk com sensores de mísseis hipersônicos
Por Sputinik Brasil | Publicado em 15/12/2021 09h26
O Departamento de Defesa dos EUA concedeu à Northrop Grumman um contrato para iniciar a reconfiguração de quatro drones EQ-4 Global Hawk Bloco 20 da Força Aérea dos EUA com sensores para rastrear mísseis hipersônicos.

14/12/2021 - Lockheed Martin, Radisys partner to further develop 5G military capabilities
By Juan Pedro Tomás at RCRWireless News | On December 14, 2021
Lockheed Martin and Radisys, a specialist in open telecom solutions, have established an enterprise agreement for use of Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) software in Lockheed Martin’s 5G products for the military, dubbed 5G.MIL.
20/11/2021 - New Electronic Warfare system can target multiple threats simultaneously
By Amit Malewar | November 20, 2021 - at inceptivemind.com/
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) technology can simultaneously scan the entire surrounding region for targets and deploy narrowly focused beams to interfere with multiple threats across the electromagnetic spectrum.

Scorpius-G is a ground-based EW system.
Credit: Israel Aerospace Industries

Scorpius-N is an EW system dedicated to defending ships against advanced threats in the marine arena.
Credit: Israel Aerospace Industries

19/11/2021 - A importância da Inteligência Estratégica
Por AEB/Coordenação de Comunicação Social | Publicado em 19/11/2021 15h08 Atualizado em 19/11/2021 15h29
Curso de Inteligência Estratégica foi realizado pela Escola Superior de Defesa (ESD)

04/11/2021 - Intelsat and OneWeb Demonstrate GEO/LEO Service to U.S. DoD
By Rachel Jewett | November 4, 2021 - at satellitetoday.com
Intelsat, OneWeb, and Linchpin Solutions demonstrated a multi-orbit satellite communications solution for the U.S. Army and Department of Defense (DoD).

13/11/2021 - Exército obtém mais oito REMAX
Por Paulo Roberto Bastos Jr - Publicado em 13/11/2021 -
Matéria completa no site da Revista Tecnologia e Defesa.

12/11/2021 - Rohde & Schwarz and OpenWorks prove new counter-UAS technology at the NATO TIE (Technical Interoperability Exercise) 21 in the Netherlands.
By Rohde & Schwarz - Press Release, Munich / Stocksfield, 12 November 2021 -
Rohde & Schwarz and OpenWorks have collaborated to prove a new high performance and autonomous 3D detection and tracking system for use in counter unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) missions. Integrated through the new SAPIENT standard protocol and tested at the NATO Technical Interoperability Exercise (TIE) event in De Peel Airbase in the Netherlands, the solution combines the proven R&S ARDRONIS drone detection solution with the recently released SkyAI Autonomous Optical technology.

31/10/2021 - The U.S. Army’s Stryker to get microwave counter drone swarm weapon
By Amit Malewar | October 31, 2021 - at inceptivemind.com/
General Dynamics Land Systems announced that it has entered into a strategic teaming agreement with Epirus, Inc., a high-growth technology company that develops direct energy systems to deliver counter unmanned aerial systems technology to the service.

Stryker system with the counter-drone upgrade.
Credit: Epirus

30/10/2021 - MD e Câmara Brasileira de Comércio na Suécia celebram acordo
Por Ministério de Defesa - Publicado em 30/10/2021 - Atualizado em 30/10/2021
O Ministério da Defesa e a Câmara Brasileira de Comércio na Suécia (BrazilCham Sweden) assinaram, na última terça-feira (26/10) um Protocolo de Intenções, na sede do Ministério da Defesa. O propósito da parceria, coordenada pela Secretaria de Produtos de Defesa (SEPROD), é estabelecer as diretrizes básicas para a organização e a implementação de iniciativas conjuntas relacionadas com pesquisa, desenvolvimento, promoção comercial, financiamentos, investimentos, seguros e garantias.

29/10/2021 - Exercício de Emergência Nuclear: EXPAR 2021
Fonte: Centro de Comunicação Social da Marinha - Publicado em 29/10/2021
No período de 19 a 21 de outubro, foi realizado o Exercício Parcial Integrado de Resposta à Emergência e Segurança Física Nuclear (EXPAR 2021), coordenado pelo Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República (GSI), órgão central do Sistema de Proteção ao Programa Nuclear Brasileiro (SIPRON). O exercício, realizado anualmente desde 1996, mobilizou este ano cerca de 80 instituições civis e militares, envolvendo centenas de profissionais, nas três esferas de governo municipal, estadual e federal. O objetivo é avaliar a eficácia da estrutura de resposta e dos procedimentos do Plano de Resposta Integrada a Evento de Segurança Física Nuclear e do Plano de Emergência Externo da Central Nuclear Almirante Álvaro Alberto (CNAAA) em Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro.

08/10/2021 - Futuro Veículo de Superfície Não Tripulado da Marinha realiza sua primeira navegação
Fonte: Centro de Comunicação Social da Marinha - Publicado em 08/10/2021
A Diretoria-Geral de Desenvolvimento Nuclear e Tecnológico da Marinha (DGDNTM), por meio do Centro de Análises de Sistemas Navais (CASNAV) e Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha (IPqM), Instituições de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (ICT) subordinadas ao Centro Tecnológico da Marinha no Rio de Janeiro (CTMRJ), e contando com o apoio dos Aspirantes do Grêmio de Ciência e Tecnologia da Escola Naval (EN), realizou a primeira navegação simples (sem a intervenção de um timoneiro) do futuro Veículo de Superfície Não Tripulado (VSNT), nas proximidades da Baía de Guanabara.

28/09/2021 - Raytheon successfully test-fire hypersonic air-breathing weapon for USAF
By Amit Malewar | September 28, 2021 - at inceptivemind.com/
Raytheon Missiles & Defense, in partnership with Northrop Grumman, has successfully completed the first flight test of a scramjet-powered Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) missile for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the U.S. Air Force. This is a key step toward potentially delivering a cruise missile to the U.S. military that can travel at more than five times the speed of sound.

Artist’s concept of Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapons Concept (HAWC) missile.
Credit: Raytheon Technologies

13/09/2021 - Adaptable Optical Communications to Facilitate Future Low-Earth Orbit Networks
By DARPA | September 13, 2021 - at inceptivemind.com/
DARPA seeks low-cost, high-speed reconfigurable optical datalink to interconnect LEO constellations.

Artist’s concept of Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapons Concept (HAWC) missile.
Credit: Raytheon Technologies

13/08/2021 - Regimento Treina Atiradores de Sistema de Armas Remoto de Viatura Guarani
Fonte: Noticiário do Exército - Publicado em 13/08/2021
No dia 11 de agosto, no Campo de Instrução de Quaraí, a Seção de Instrução de Blindados do 5º Regimento de Cavalaria Mecanizado realizou o exercício de tiro com o Sistema de Armas Remotamente Controlado (SARC) Reparo de Metralhadora Automatizada X (REMAX) da viatura blindada de transporte de pessoal média sobre rodas (VBTP MSR) 6x6 Guarani.

Crédito: Reus Sabarros

04/05/2020 - Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas completa 3 anos no espaço
Por Tenente Jonathan Jayme da Agência Força Aérea - Publicada em: 04/05/2020 22:30
Em 4 de maio de 2017, o SGDC foi lançado e iniciou uma nova era para a comunicação militar e civil

23/04/2020 - JADC2 ‘Experiment 2’ provides looking glass into future experimentation
By Jay Koeste at army.mil - On April 23, 2020
The Army along with our Joint partners are working hard to leap forward and dominate the future warfare domains: Air, Space, Cyber, Land and Maritime.


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Report - Joint All-Domain Command and Control(JADC2)
| By John R. Hoehn, Analyst in Military Capabilities and Programs at US Congressional Research Service
Updated July 1, 2021

CRS Logo CRS JADC2 Report
Report - Defense Primer: Quantum Technology
| By Kelley M. Sayler, Analyst in Advanced Technology and Global Security at US Congressional Research Service
Updated December 7, 2021

CRS Logo CRS JADC2 Report
EBOOKs - Government Executive - Insights - Defense One
| By Government Media Executive Group LLC
All rights reserved.

Government Exec - Insights - Defense
| By L3Harris
L3Harris brings innovative joint all-domain solutions to the fight that shorten kill chains, leverage world class assured, resilient communications, and seamlessly connect sensors, shooters and decision makers

Logo L3 Harris   L3 Harris JADC2 & ABMS Folder
Por Israel de Oliveira Andrade, Mariana Montez Carpes, Luiz Gustavo Aversa Franco e Giovanni Roriz Lyra Hillebrand | Abril, 2019

Publicação seriada que divulga resultados de estudos e pesquisas em desenvolvimento pelo Ipea com o objetivo de fomentar o debate e oferecer subsídios à formulação e avaliação de políticas públicas.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a importância de tais atividades na consecução dos principais programas estratégicos da Marinha do Brasil. Para tanto, são trabalhados os principais aspectos da inter-relação entre Defesa Nacional e CT&I, as características gerais dos principais programas estratégicos da Marinha e a importância dos empreendimentos científico-tecnológicos no desenvolvimento desses programas.

EBOOK - Defense One
- The Future of the Navy ! By Defense One Sponsered by AWS and others on October 2021
From missile subs to missile defense, the U.S. Navy is working its way toward the maritime warfare of the future.

The Future of the Navy
EBOOK - Defense One
- The Future of the Army ! By Defense One Sponsered by SalesForce and Leonardo DRS on October 2021
FTomorrow's Army will rely ever more heavily on leveraging advanced information technology, artificial intelligence and data analysis. Defense One takes a look at how the service is trying to stay ahead of America's adversaries..

The Future of the Army
Informes da Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Materiais de Defesa e Segurança.

Capa Informe ABIMDE 2018
ANUÁRIOS - DA BASE INDUSTRIAL DE DEFESA 2014 - 2018 (Yearbooks 2014 - 2018)
O Anuário da Base Industrial de Defesa é um guia completo contendo informações institucionais e sobre o que é produzido pela indústria de defesa nacional, em especial, pelas empresas associadas, visando melhorar e facilitar o contato entre a indústria e o mercado internacional de produtos e serviços de defesa e segurança.

Anuario ABIMDE 2018

ANUÁRIOS - Guia de Empresas e Produtos de Defesa (2021)
Guide to Defense Companies and Products | Guía de Empresas y Productos de Defensa O Guia de Empresas e Produtos de Defesa, edição 2021, apresenta cerca de 140 empresas da área de defesa e aproximadamente 900 produtos específicos, motivo de orgulho nacional.

  Guuia Defesa 2021
Journal - Joint Force Quarterly (JFQ)
NDU Press produces Joint Force Quarterly in concert with ongoing education and research at US National Defense University in support of the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. JFQ is the Chairman's joint military and security studies journal designed to inform and educate national security professionals on joint and integrated operations; whole of government contributions to national security policy and strategy; homeland security; and developments in training and joint military education to better equip America's military and security apparatus to meet tomorrow's challenges while protecting freedom today.

Joint Force Quarterly Report - Science & Technology Trends 2020-2040 - Exploring the S&T Edge
By NATO Science & Technology Organization - First published, March 2020
"Science & Technology Trends: 2020-2040 provides an assessment of the impact of S&T advances over the next 20 years on the Alliance. This assessment is based on a review of selected national and international S&T foresight and futures studies; multi-national workshops; and, technology watch activities conducted by the Science &Technology Organization". Dr. Bryan Wells NATO Chief Scientist

Science & Technology Trends 2020-2040
Report - Focus on Human Control
By International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons (iPRAW), August 2019
Coordinated by: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) German Institute for International and Security Affairs
In this report, human control considerations are made from previous iPRAW reports, linked to the requirements of IHL, and remaining conceptual issues identified. In particular, the human control requirements of IHL, the influence of the operational context on the implementation of human control, are discussed.

Report - Focus on Technology and Application of Autonomous Weapons
By International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons (iPRAW), August 2018
Coordinated by: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) German Institute for International and Security Affairs
This report focuses on the impact of ethical considerations on the principle of human control over weapon systems..

Por Marinha do Brasil, 2017
Esta publicação está dividida em cinco capítulos e contém quatro anexos. No Capítulo 1, é apresentada a Estratégia de CT&I da MB; no Capítulo 2, os Desafios Tecnológicos; no Capítulo 3, a Visão de Futuro para o Sistema de CT&I da MB; no Capítulo 4, a Execução da Estratégia de CT&I da MB; e o Capítulo 5, os Recursos Estratégicos e resultados esperados da execução da Estratégia de CT&I da MB. Os anexos apresentam o Detalhamento das Áreas Temáticas de CT&I da MB; a Estrutura Organizacional do Sistema de Ciência, Tecnologia e novação da Marinha (SCTMB); a Governança de CT&I da MB; e o Detalhamento das subáreas e linhas de pesquisa abrangidas pelas Áreas Temáticas de P&D de CT&I.

Estrategia CT&I MB
Revista - A Defesa Nacional
Por Biblioteca do Exército | 1º Quadrimestre de 2022
Revista de assuntos militares e estudo de problemas brasileiros.

Revista A Defesa Nacional     Revista A Defesa Nacional     Revista A Defesa Nacional

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Podcast - Ars Technicast special edition, part 1: The Internet of Things goes to war
By Lee Hutchinson | January 21, 2021 - at Center for Strategic and International Studies
Ars presents a two-part limited edition podcast on the "connected battlespace".
Podcast IoMT
Podcast - Sensor Wars: The Quantum Menace
By Lindsey and Kaitlyn Johnson | July 28, 2021 - at CSIS - Tech Unmanned
This episode of Tech Unmanned is all about quantum sensors. Lindsey and Kaitlyn are joined by Dr. Robert (Bob) Wyllie, a Senior Research Scientist and the Chief of the Quantum Systems Division at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, and Sarah Jacobs Gamberini, a Policy Fellow at the National Defense University (NDU) Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction (CSWMD). Bob and Sarah steer us through the tangled web of technical and policy challenges and opportunities of developing quantum sensor technology. Lindsey and Kaitlyn wrap up the discussion by pulling on some threads of the expert discussion and how it intersects with national security and ongoing policy. .
Logo CSIS Podcast Sensor Wars: The Quantum Menace
Listen all episodes

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Artigo - A disputa entre China e EUA pela liderança da Inteligência Artificial – O maior espetáculo da terra
Por Carlos Augusto de Lima e Leonardo Braga Martins, Oficiais Superiores da Marinha do Brasil
Insight Inteligência, ANO XXIII • Nº 91 • OUTUBRO/NOVEMBRO/DEZEMBRO 2020

Paper - Why the world's militaries are embracing 5G
By Steven Walker, Daniel Rice, Mark Kahn and John CLark - 11 NOV 2021 - 15 min read

Fonte: IEEE Spectrum

Paper - Quantum Sensing's Potential Impacts on Strategic Deterrence and Modern Warfare
By Sarah Jacobs Gamberini and Lawrence Rubin - 18 MAR 2021 - 15 min read
Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Executive Summary - Applications of Quantum Technologies
By Sarah Jacobs Gamberini and Lawrence Rubin - 18 MAR 2021 - 15 min read
This report is a product of the Defense Science Board (DSB). The DSB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense. Statements, opinions, conclusions, and recommendations in this report do not necessarily represent the official position of the Department of Defense. The DSB Study on Applications of Quantum Technologies completed its information-gathering in May 2019. The Executive Summary is unclassified and was cleared for open publication by the DoD Office of Prepublication and Security Review on December 18, 2019.

Reading - What is geofencing?
By BAE Systems, Inc
Geofencing is the use of location-based navigation technology, such as GPS, to create virtual geographic borders and define specific actions to take place at or within those borders.

Reading - What is Multi-Domain Operations/Joint All-Domain Operations? | Enabling Operations in The Future Battlespace
By Lockheed Martin
Multi-Domain Operations/Joint All-Domain Operations

Reading - What does JADC2 stand for?
By BAE Systems, Inc
JADC2 (pronounced jăd-sē-tū) is a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) acronym which stands for Joint All Domain Command and Control, a strategic warfighting concept that connects the data sensors, shooters, and related communications devices of all U.S. military services – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Space Force – and eventually allied partners into one integrated “network-of-networks.”

Reading - What is JADO?
By BAE Systems, Inc
JADO (pronounced jā-dōh) is an acronym for Joint All Domain Operations, a strategic approach of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that integrates capabilities and resources of all defense domains – sea, land, air, space, and cyberspace – into planning, analysis, and execution of missions.

Reading - Multi-domain operations, JADO, and the need for connectivity
By BAE Systems, Inc
System integrators to play key role in providing decision advantage faster

Reading - Connecting the Joint Force as One
By Northrop Grumman
Future mission success will lay in highly-effective Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2).

02/11/2021 - Battle Networks and the Future Force
Part 2: Operational Challenges and Acquisition Opportunities
By Todd Harrison | CSIS Briefing November 2, 2021 - at CSIS
This CSIS brief is the second in a series on the future of battle networks and Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2). This paper examines the operational advantages and adversary threats driving the requirements for greater interoperability and resilience in battle networks. It draws on lessons from previous attempts to improve battle network integration and explores how DoD can properly scope the problem it is trying to solve and organize itself to effectively and efficiently acquire the systems needed to realize its vision for JADC2. This paper recommends that DoD (1) clearly define organizational roles and responsibilities for JADC2 to include the possibility of creating a Joint Program Executive Office, a new independent agency under the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD/R&E), or a lead combatant command (COCOM) for JADC2; (2) make key top-level architecture decisions, including narrowing the scope of JADC2 to just battle networks, as soon as possible; and (3) expand its typical make/buy analysis to include options for buying services instead of products and including systems that may be commercially owned and operated.

05/08/2021 - Battle Networks and the Future Force
Part 1: A Framework for Debate
By Todd Harrison | CSIS Briefing August 5, 2021 - at CSIS
As the first in a two-part series that explores the future of battle networks in the U.S. military—what has become known as Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2)—this paper examines the importance of battle networks to modern military operations and presents a framework of five functional elements that make up a battle network. This framework provides a common basis for conceptualizing and comparing existing systems and proposed new capabilities in terms of how they contribute to JADC2. The second brief in the series explores factors the Department of Defense (DoD) must contemplate in designing battle networks for the future force, including operational constraints, strategy and policy issues, and alternative acquisition approaches.

Reading - Tactical Maneuver in the Cyber Domain Dominating the Enemy
By By Jennifer Leigh Phillips at Joint Force Quartely, Issue 93, 2nd Quarter 2019
Tactical maneuver elements must take advantage of virtual, physical, and cognitive connections between the cyber domain and other domains to achieve operational and tactical objectives through multidomain maneuver. The success of distributed operations in the future will rely on the ability to achieve rapid maneuver in the cyber domain as part of sequential or simultaneous integrated movement across other domains. We must move away from a static understanding of focusing on tools used to conduct offensive and defensive operations in the cyber domain toward a focus on dominating the enemy by seizing the initiative through combined arms multidomain maneuver that fully integrates manipulation of the cognitive, virtual, and physical dimensions of the cyber domain.

Por Emerson Coelho Mendonça, Adams Soares Teles e Vilson Berilli Mendes
Revista Pesquisa Naval, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, n. 32, 2020, p. 10-16

Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de construção de um veículo submarino autônomo em formato de torpedo, a partir de materiais de baixo custo e de fácil aquisição. A arquitetura de hardware é distribuída em módulos que se comunicam por meio de uma rede CAN. Os dispositivos eletrônicos de controle e acionamento dos lemes horizontal e vertical foram acomodados em um casco fabricado por manufatura aditiva (impressão 3D). Os componentes eletrônicos utilizados são comerciais e podem ser facilmente adquiridos no mercado. Os testes preliminares mostram a viabilidade de se obter um veículo com estanqueidade, estabilidade a um custo bem abaixo dos oferecidos no mercado.

Por Professor Dr. Geoffrey Till
Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval - RJ, n. 06, 2006, p. 8-31

Palestra realizada em 25 de novembro de 2005 durante o I Ciclo Internacional de Conferências sobre o Poder Marítimo na Escola de Guerra Naval pelo Professor Geoffrey Till que é catedrático de Estudos Acadêmicos do Joint Services Command and Staff College, UK .

RELEASE - Exploring the Solar System and understanding the universe
By Thales Group
Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, the Moon, asteroids and comets… Interesting release from Thales Group.

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O rol de eventos aqui apresentados tem caráter informativo. A oferta e realização é de responsabilidade de seus organizadores e promotores.

11JUL a 12AGO2022 - Abertas as inscrições para o Curso EAD de Economia de Defesa

CAPACITAÇÃO SOBRE A ECONOMIA DE DEFESA T1/22: 11 de julho até 12 de agosto.

 ➼  O Curso EAD de Economia de Defesa é oferecido pela Secretaria de Produtos de Defesa (SEPROD), do Ministério da Defesa (MD), em parceria com a Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI). É destinado a militares e civis que buscam aprofundar conhecimentos sobre o tema e o seu papel na indústria brasileira. Os interessados podem realizar inscrição até 08 de julho. O objetivo é promover a capacitação do aluno em Economia de Defesa e tudo o que ela engloba: desde a atuação da Secretaria de Produtos de Defesa até a exportação dos produtos, serviços e tecnologias do setor. As aulas ocorrerão de 11 de julho a 12 de agosto.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> INSCRIÇÕES <<<<<<<<<<<<<

23MAR2022 - “A Reformulação da Política Marítima Nacional”

No próximo dia 23 de março, em Brasília ou virtualmente será realizado o evento que possibilitará a participação da Sociedade na colaboração para elaborar a nova Política Marítima Nacional (PMN). Logo após o Simpósio serão realizadas dez Oficinas de Trabalho, onde a COMUNIDADE NACIONAL LIGADA AO MAR poderá contribuir para a construção das diretrizes para atingimento dos Objetivos Marítimos Nacionais.
 ➼  Inscrição

25 a 26 NOV2021 - Poder Aeroespacial do Futuro

O Seminário de Estudos do Poder Aeroespacial da Universidade da Força Aérea (UNIFA) com o tema “Poder Aeroespacial do Futuro” acontecerá de forma online entre os 25 e 26 de novembro. O evento gratuito oferecerá uma visão global do mundo técnico-científico voltado para a exploração espacial do futuro. A proposta do conclave é "ser um fórum de interrogações, onde seja possível discutir temas relevantes que promovam um melhor entendimento do porvir, no domínio do Poder Aeroespacial da Defesa e Estratégia nacionais, embalado por novas tecnologias, novos desafios, onde a relação homem-máquina alcançará novos e impactantes paradigmas".

 ➼  Inscrição gratuita

09 e 10 NOV2021 - Aerospace & Defense

The A&D industry has a history of early adoption of disruptive technologies to advance both product development and manufacturing processes. There are currently several key technologies that the industry is using to meet new manufacturing challenges. These technologies include additive manufacturing, advanced composite manufacturing methods, implementation of the digital twin, cognitive manufacturing and advanced analytics, robot/worker collaboration, and AI/ML, all of which are permeating many areas of the production process. The trends shaping the future of aerospace and defense in term of technology and innovation are: - Automation and digitization: Rise of automation and AI, increasing processing power - New materials and alternative energy: increased use and falling price of advanced materials, proliferation of alternative energy sources and storage - Data and connectivity : Increasing connectivity and security, Increasing data creation - Rapid development cycle : Rise of Industry 4.0 (eg, additive manufacturing and digitization), Accelerating pace of innovation.

VIDEO: International Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems - Opening Session | By Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão on 20/02/2020
The event allowed for informal and high-level interaction between governmental and non-governmental participants, with the objective of sharing knowledge and improving situational awareness on LAWS. The discussion can aid in the drafting of national and institutional contributions for the GGE/LAWS and in building a spirit of consensus in the preparation of recommendations.
International Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems   International Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems

VIDEO: International Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems - Panel3 | By Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão on 20/02/2020
Panel 3: Strategic and military dimensions of autonomous weapons – disruptive technology as a game changer.
International Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems   International Seminar on Autonomous Weapons Systems

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ANIMATION: DARPA Falcon HTV-2, hypersonic vehicle test program from 2011 - complete flight overview animation | By MDx media
Get an insight on the journey to meet and counter the threats and challenges of modern warfare.
Logo DARPA   DARPA_falcon_HTV-2

VÍDEO: FAB lança foguete com o demonstrador do motor aeronáutico hipersônico 14-X | Por Redação Forças de Defesa do portal Poder Aéreo em 15/12/2021
Logo Poder Aéreo   Brasao 14-XS

Turbomachine e SIATT apresentam o projeto Tupan 300 de um VTOL nacional (Vertical Take Off and Landing)
Yutube   Projeto Tupan

TV Verde Oliva | Canal no Youtube do Exército Brasileiro
Brasão EB   EB TV no You Tube

FAB TV | Canal no Youtube
Brasão FAB   FAB TV no You Tube

MB TV | Canal no Youtube da Marinha do Brasil
Brasão MB   MB TV no You Tube

Defesa em Foco | Canal no Youtube
Logo Defesa em Foco   MB TV no You Tube

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O rol de cursos aqui apresentados tem caráter informativo. A oferta e realização é de responsabilidade de seus organizadores e promotores.

CURSO - Guerra Eletrônica
Portal com material didático, aulas, dicas e exercícios sobre Guerra Eletrônica.

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O rol de seminários pela Web ("Webinários") aqui apresentados tem caráter informativo.
A oferta e realização é de responsabilidade de seus organizadores e promotores.
O portal defesa.tec.br não tem parceria comercial com seus realizadores.

WEBINAR - Rohde & Schwarz webinars: NAVICS® webinar
State-of-the-art integrated communications systems for naval platforms

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Segurança Cibernética e Geopolítica | Por hacker.tec.br
logo hacker.tec.br

Defesa Cibernética | Por hacker.tec.br
logo hacker.tec.br

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17/01/2022 - Sweden Investigates Drone Flights Over Nuclear Plants as 'National Incident'
By Igor Kuxnetzov | At Sputinik International | 17JAN2022
© AP Photo / TT News Agency, Mikael Fritzon
© AP Photo / TT News Agency, Mikael Fritzon

Swedish Security Service Web Site      Logo swedish_security_service

2019 - Attack on Saudi oil facilities highlights danger of 'kamikaze' drones
By Thomas Daigle | Posted: Sep 18, 2019 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: September 28, 2019 | At CBC News Science
'Loitering munitions' devices are relatively cheap and hard to detect
 Houthi UAV-X
The debris of a Houthi UAV-X drone is seen in this undated photo from a January UN Security Council report. (UN Security Council Panel of Experts on Yemen) @ CBC News
This image provided by the U.S. government and DigitalGlobe shows damage to the infrastructure at Saudi Aramco's Abqaiq oil processing facility in Buqyaq, Saudi Arabia. The drone attack Saturday led to the interruption of an estimated 5.7 million barrels of the kingdom's crude oil production per day, equivalent to more than 5 per cent of the world's daily supply. (U.S. government/DigitalGlobe via AP) @ CBC News

2018 - How the Drone Attack on Maduro Unfolded in Venezuela
By NYT - Visual Investigations Staff | At The New York Times Youtube Channel

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O REMAX (Reparo de Metralhadora Automatizada X) é um Sistema de Armas Remotamente Controlado (SARC) giro-estabilizada para metralhadoras 12,7 mm e 7,62 mm. O sistema foi desenvolvido, a partir de requisitos estabelecidos pelo Exército Brasileiro, por meio de uma parceria da indústria ARES com o Centro Tecnológico do Exército (CTEx). O projeto foi iniciado em 2006 com a proposta de desenvolvimento da primeira estação de armas 100% nacional. Hoje é uma realidade no Exército Brasileiro e já equipa unidades da viatura blindada sobre rodas média VBTP-MR 6X6 Guarani. O REMAX irá equipar as futuras viaturas 4x4 de reconhecimento do Exército Brasileiro.
remaxconsole remaxlogo_ares


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08/2021 - The Physics and Hype of Hypersonic Weapons
These novel missiles cannot live up to the grand promises made on their behalf, aerodynamics shows
By David Wright | At Scientific American | On AUG2021
Capa da Scientific American   Arte do Artigo

01/2022 - Hypersonic Weapons Can’t Hide from New Eyes in Space
Tracking the missiles is like picking out one light bulb against a background of light bulbs, but new technology aims to see them more clearly
By Jason Sherman | At Scientific American | On JAN2022
Arte do Artigo
An artist's rendering of a hypersonic missile. Credit: DARPA

18/10/2021 - Who is winning the hypersonic missile race? Beijing's 21,000mph weapon has the biggest range of any known system - but US and Russia both have their own top secret programs in new global arms contest
These novel missiles cannot live up to the grand promises made on their behalf, aerodynamics shows
By Rachel Bunyan | For Mailonline | On OCT2021
Logo MailOnline   Comparação Hipersônicos

2001 - Hypersonic Speed
At hypersonic speeds the flow over the vehicle exhibits real-gas effects due to dissociation and ionization provoked by the passage of the air through the strong bow shock.
By JEAN M. DéLERY | From: Handbook of Shock Waves | On 2001
Handbook of Shock Waves
Handbook of Shock Waves, Volume 2, 2001

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Infographic - The Physics and Hype of Hypersonic Weapons
Scientific American | On AUG2021
Infográfico de Hipersônico da Scientific American

Full article by David Wright | At Scientific American | On AUG2021

Infographic - Who is winning the hypersonic missile race?
Mail Online | On 10OCT2021
Infográfico de Comparação de Mísseis Hipersônico

Full article by Rachael Bunyan | At Mail Online | On 10OCT2021

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VIDEO: Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) Scenario Animation
By USA Missile Defense Agency | On July 2021 The U.S. Missile Defense Agency is developing a concept to protect the US, its deployed forces, and allies against regional hypersonic threats using a multi- layered solution to defend against the next generation of hypersonic glide vehicles. Learn more about this exciting concept.
Logo USA Missile Defense Agency   GPI Scenario Animation

VIDEO: Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR) Capabilities
By USA Missile Defense Agency | On July 2021 The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced the completion of military construction and installation of radar arrays for the Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR) during a ceremony declaring the initial fielding of the radar here Dec. 6. LRDR is a multi-mission, multi-face radar with a wide field of view. Its massive arrays, each measuring 60 feet high by 60 feet wide, and advanced gallium nitride technology make this radar more powerful, more capable, more persistent, and more reliable than currently available radars..
Logo USA Missile Defense Agency   GPI Scenario Animation

The Multi-Domain Operations Capable Platoon
By US Army CCDC Soldier Center | On July 2021 The 2019 Army Modernization Strategy emphasizes the importance of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO). A platoon-level MDO scenario video in an operationally relevant environment was conceived and developed in partnership across the Soldier enterprise. The purpose was to notionally illustrate the terms of reference and relationships associated with MDO and Warfighting Functions so they could be more easily understood and shared across the Future Force Modernization Enterprise (FFME). MDO requires the Army to adaptively integrate, synchronize, and employ multiple technologies and capabilities across multiple domains (air, land, sea, cyber and space) and create windows of opportunities for commanders to exploit. This adaptive and rapid integration across the domains creates new intersections across time and space for achieving competitive advantages and overmatch from the dynamic convergence across the Warfighter Functions. The goals of the notional platoon-level scenario is to decompose and simplify the MDO concept and to enable: (1)People: The intended audience for this video includes the military and civilian members of the FFME to aid in conceptualization and grasping fundamentals of MDO. MDO is a complex and powerful concept. The video captures dynamic MDO interactions at the platoon level that static slides and white papers may not be able to effectively communicate alone; (2)Momentum: The video creates momentum for follow-on MDO dialog between multiple communities across the Future Force Modernization Enterprise (FFME) – to include AFC, FCC, CCDC, TRADOC, FORSCOM, ASA(ALT) and many other Army and external organizations to help shape and improve content and potential follow on video vignettes; (3)Discovery: Discover and discuss capability gaps tied to warfighter functions with enabling science and technology (S&T) efforts. This includes unique S&T gaps at MDO intersections and convergence of warfighting functions and capabilities across multiple domains; (4) Engagement: Collaborate across multiple traditional and non-traditional organizations to develop and refine new concepts that exploit S&T to achieve the multi-domain complexities, speed, and convergence MDO will demand;(5) Delivery & Innovation: The work necessary to deliver the “right solutions” at the “right time” to enable MDO in 2028 and beyond that will be shaped by ideas, discussions, and decisions made today. The video illustrates the complex and dynamic interactions that could more holistically shape new concepts and S&T focus areas..
Logo DevCom U.S. Army CCDC Soldier Center   Multi-Domain Multi-Domain

The Soldier of the Future 2
By US Army CCDC Soldier Center | On July 2021 The Soldier of the future will have to dominate a wide range of environments, utilizing a host of new capabilities and technologies to maintain the tactical advantage..
Logo DevCom U.S. Army CCDC Soldier Center   The Soldier of the Future 2

The Soldier of the Future
By US Army CCDC Soldier Center Multi-domain, multi-spectrum, networked and optimized for physical and cognitive performance. We're working with agencies and partners across the Army and Department of Defense to ensure the Soldier of the future is on the cutting edge..
Logo DevCom U.S. Army CCDC Soldier Center   The Soldier of the Future

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Research Article - “Operator syndrome”: A unique constellation of medical and behavioral health-care needs of military special operation forces
By B Christopher Frueh, Alok Madan, J Christopher Fowler, Sasha Stomberg, Major Bradshaw, Karen Kelly, Benjamin Weinstein, Morgan, Summer G Danner, and Deborah C Beidel
The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine | First Published February 13, 2020

U.S. military special operation forces represent the most elite units of the U.S. Armed Forces. Their selection is highly competitive, and over the course of their service careers, they experience intensive operational training and combat deployment cycles. Yet, little is known about the health-care needs of this unique population[...]"Operator Syndrome” may be understood as the natural consequences of an extraordinarily high allostatic load; the accumulation of physiological, neural, and neuroendocrine responses resulting from the prolonged chronic stress; and physical demands of a career with the military special forces. Clinical research and comprehensive, intensive immersion programs are needed to meet the unique needs of this community.

Research Article - Military applications of soldier physiological monitoring
By Karl E. Friedl
Jornal of Science and Medicine in Sports (JSAMS) | Published:June 20, 2018

Wearable physiological status monitoring is part of modern precision medicine that permits predictions about an individual’s health and performance from their real-time physiological status (RT-PSM) instead of relying on population-based predictions informed by estimated human, mission, and environmental/ambient conditions. RT-PSM systems have useful military applications if they are soldier-acceptable and provide important actionable information. Most commercially available systems do not address relevant military needs, typically lack the validated algorithms that make real time computed information useful, and are not open architected to be integrated with the soldier technological ecology. Military RT-PSM development requires committed investments in iterative efforts involving physiologists, biomedical engineers, and the soldier users. Military operational applications include: (1) technological enhancement of performance by providing individual status information to optimize self-regulation, workload distribution, and enhanced team sensing/situational awareness; (2) detection of impending soldier failure from stress load (physical, psychological, and environmental); (3) earliest possible detection of threat agent exposure that includes the “human sensor”; (4) casualty detection, triage, and early clinical management; (5) optimization of individual health and fitness readiness habits; and (6) long term health risk-associated exposure monitoring and dosimetry. This paper is focused on the performance-related applications and considers near term predictions such as thermal-work limits, alertness and fitness for duty status, musculoskeletal fatigue limits, neuropsychological status, and mission-specific physiological status. Each new measurement capability has provided insights into soldier physiology and advances the cycle of invention, lab and field testing, new discovery and redesign.


COMENTARY - Humans and Hardware: How Special Operations can Pioneer Wearable Technology
By Kevin Butler and Frank Foss
War on the Rock | First Published November 05, 2021

In 2009, the U.S. Special Operations Command announced that “Humans are more important than hardware.” But with wearables revolutionizing sports medicine and athletics, the distinction between humans and hardware is less relevant than ever. This means that investing in wearable technology for special operations forces is now the best way to put humans first.

NEWS - The Five SOF Truths
By John Friberg
SOF News | First Published October 28, 2017

Humans Are More Important Than Hardware is one of the truths.

JOINT ALL-DOMAIN COMMAND AND CONTROL (JADC2) & Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)
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JADC2 & ABMS - Boeing is integrating the digital battlespace at the speed of now
By Boeing>Defense>JADC2 | Publicado em 2018
Today’s emerging threats are coming from existing and rising actors, who are leveraging advances in commercial technology, electronic warfare and cyber capabilities to level the battlefield.

By L3 Harris Fast.Forward |
L3Harris can shorten the kill chain by seamlessly connecting sensors, shooters and decision makers with world-class assured, resilient communications. State-of-the-art strategic and tactical all-domain sensors with data fused at the tactical edge provide a foundational element to JADC2. Our system-of-systems architecture is platform agnostic, data-centric and software defined, capable of hosting third party applications and retrieving open source data. Live virtual and constructive simulation capabilities permit the opportunity to preview and train mission scenarios before theater engagement.


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Glossário - Electronic Systems Product Terms
Learn more about Electronic Systems product terms. By BAE Systems Inc..

Dictionary - DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
This document supplements standard English-language dictionaries and standardizes military and associated terminology to improve communication and mutual understanding within DOD with other US Government departments and agencies and among the United States and its allies. By US Department of Defense (DOD) .
GlossárioDoD Dictionary